FAQs - Counselling / Psychotherapy
1. When are you open / how long will I have to wait for an appointment?
You can phone at any time to leave a message or speak to us between 8.30 am and 6.30pm, weekdays.
An answer phone is always available if we are not able to take your call, so please leave your name and number and let us know when is a good time to return your call.
We aim to make contact with you the same day that you call and offer an appointment within 5 working days.
We have a limited number of evening appointments - most appointments will take place during the day from 9 am - 6pm.
2. Can I choose the gender of my therapist?
Yes, we make every effort to accommodate your request where possible.
3. How long is each session?
The initial assessment session lasts up to 60 minutes. Therapy sessions are 50 minutes.
4. How many sessions will I need?
The duration of therapy will depend on your specific difficulties. It could be anything from several months to over a year or more.
5. Are appointments weekly?
Therapy sessions take place on a weekly basis.
6. Is the service confidential?
Everything shared during a session is confidential between you and your therapist according to the guidelines of BACP. This will only be broken if it has been discussed and you have given consent.
7. What theoretical approach is used?
Our theoretical approach is psychodynamic; this approach facilitates a process where unconscious patterns can be explored and understood allowing some change to take place in your self and your relationships.
We are able to offer Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) a 16 session model based on psychodynamic approaches, when appropriate, and other ways of working which can be helpful including Transactional Analysis, Solution Focused Therapy and CBT informed counselling.
8. Can I talk to the counsellor before they see me?
We believe that it tends to be easier talk face to face rather than on the telephone. Telephone contact might involve a brief discussion about what brings you to counselling. The first appointment is intended to be an exploratory appointment to find out more about your situation. During the appointment you will hopefully gain a feeling around whether this feels right and helpful for you.